Chicken soup is actually medicinal. There’s a reason why they tell you “oh baby you want some chicken soup?”, so let me go through the recipe if y’all don’t mind.
The ingredients of medicinal chicken soup are important and I want you to understand the WHY behind using these specific ingredients in chicken soup.
So…. let’s start with chicken.
Chicken is high in protein content. Protein is actually needed by our immune cells and our antibodies to keep us from being fatigued and having weakness, so we need the protein. Don’t skimp and just put the chicken breast in your chicken soup that’s not what you need in the chicken soup you have to have the bones.
The bones have marrow and it’s when you’re actually boiling the chicken down the marrow comes out of the bone that helps to decrease inflammation. I’m sure you guys have seen bone broth out there now for sale. This is what you are creating. You need the bones in the chicken soup, thus you need to have a whole chicken in your chicken soup because you want the bones.
So a couple of things that I like to add to my chicken soup are celery and carrots. Those two things are in the same family.
Celery specifically has fiber, it decreases inflammation, it flushes your liver out, so the liver is the largest organ of detox it helps to all those things right so it’s flushing your liver it’s a natural diuretic and it makes you pee out the toxins.
Carrots are an awesome source of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is the precursor to vitamin A. It protects your mucous membranes and this is really crucial right now specifically for viruses and infections- we MUST protect our mucous membranes.
So another two things that are in the same family are garlic and onions- they’re in the Allicin Family.
Garlic helps to detox heavy metals but it’s also an antiviral and antibacterial- we definitely need that right now right?
Onions are a fantastic source of antioxidants so they’re really good as well.
So that’s the base of my soup that I actually make. I also add some squash and other stuff in there. Normally people will put their chicken soup over rice or over pasta and the reason for that is that it’s a carbohydrate and it actually gives you a little bit of energy.
All of these foods can help to boost your immune system.
The cool thing is that you can eat these foods in a soup or you can cook them separately and even add some mushrooms.
Mushrooms have vitamin D and selenium and that right now is very helpful.
I make a large batch of chicken soup and we all eat off it. The trick is to make enough so that you can freeze some in small batch for later as well. Take out individual servings for anyone starting to get sick, so you can nip it in the bud QUICKLY!
I hope that this has been helpful and if it has- Please share with your friends and family!