The theme of the week is EUREKA (meaning: I have found it!). Throughout the week I will blog on a letter or more from the word, so today is “E” and it will signify EMPOWERED PATIENTS
One of my favorite principles of Naturopathic Medicine is Docere– To teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine. Patients become well when they take charge of their healthcare. They understand the ramifications that their diet and supplements, exercise, social interactions and prescriptions have on their quality of life.
My patients are given lots of reading material, homework and encouraged to ask lots of questions. Knowledge of your condition, the inner-workings of your body and how your daily life affects it all is powerful.
There are so many little things in the tool chest of a Naturopathic Physician that can help prevent a cold, joint issues, eczema, etc or natural remedies that can help you take care of yourself and your loved ones with out running to a drug store.
Did you know that keeping lemon, honey, ginger and garlic in your house is like having a full medicine cabinet? In certain combinations it helps with: just to name a few
-Sore throat
-Colds and Flu
-Minor cuts
Don’t you want the POWER to take care of yourself? I encourage you to take advantage of the free 20 min consult this week Oct 6-12, 2014 to see what Naturopathic Medicine has to offer you.