I know that my patients get tired of hearing me say “Knowledge is power!”
Well, IT IS!
Educating yourself about your health, disease, your mental well being, etc is gratifying because you can make educated decisions.
I must say that I have some of the most intelligent patients in the world! Sometimes they just blow my mind with what they are doing personally and professionally and they are successful. This is why they understand my conversation with them about being just as intelligent about their health.
Often times I give my patients homework- it could be an article to read, a book, a test I want them to conduct at home, or journaling, but they ALL have the same homework & that is to know and understand their own body and the power that food and exercise has over it.
When I order lab testing on my patients and receive the results, it is not just for my knowledge it is for theirs as well. My patients receive a review of lab findings that explains each abnormal result as it pertains to them individually with a synopsis of how the overall report relates to their symptoms or general health. This allows them to understand what is really going on inside their body.
As we craft a dietary, supplement and therapy protocol together- each suggestion details WHY according to symptomology or lab findings. This of course includes exercise.
It is surprising to me how many people think that exercise has to be going to a gym? Maintaining an active lifestyle will keep you healthy in more ways that just one, but that does not mean that you have to go to the gym 4 days out of the week for 1 hour each time.
For Example:
My husband races RC cars and this requires him to constantly rebuild cars, turn marshall on the track, etc, etc- his fitbit looks way more steps than the average person going to the gym, but this is his hobby and he loves it!
I love to swim, but I also like to dance, so I go to an aqua zumba class. Of course, I also have a toddler that just started to walk and constantly chasing him, rolling around with him and YES… chasing him is definitely helping me to get my steps in as well.
I would like to put a plug in for sex as well…. often times people do not believe that this is considered exercise… IT IS! It burns calories, makes you sweat and releases “happy” hormones that can last for hours which in turn may make you want to get off the sofa and go exercise some more!
Find something that you love to do, even if it is holding your significant others hand and taking a walk in the morning or evening
In Balanced Health,